Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gluten Free Meatloaf and Homemade Ketchup

One of my favorite foods, ever since I was a kid, is meatloaf. You just can't beat a great mix of bread crumbs, meat and ketchup. So I modified my favorite recipe, and it was so worth it. Who says gluten free and refined sugar free has to be hard?

1 lb. ground turkey
1 cup chopped spinach (I've been sneaking it into as many meals as possible. Women are especially prone to anemia and spinach is an iron rich food that takes on the flavors of the other foods it is cooked with. Win!)
1/4 cup chopped parsley
1 finely chopped white onion
2 cloves minced garlic
1 cup brown rice bread crumbs

2/3 cup water
6 Tbsp tomato powder
4 Tbsp unrefined coconut palm sugar
2 Tbsp vinegar

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Blend all the ingredients for the meatloaf except the meat and bread crumbs in your blender. I have a Ninja and it chopped them up to perfection.

2. Add veggie mix in with the meat and bread crumbs. Knead until well combined.

3. Mix ketchup ingredients well, (The coconut palm sugar is what I had. You can use your sweetener of choice.) and then add in 1 tsp of water until it has a ketchup-y consistency. Salt to taste. Pour half of the ketchup mix in with the meat mix and set the rest aside for the garnish.

4. Spray your loaf pans, or cupcake pans like I like to use, with olive oil and bake at 350 for one hour. Voila! You will love it.

Tip: Visit Shelf Reliance Website - Tomato Powder to get the tomato powder. I find it is very versatile (sauce, paste, ketchup,) and you don't have to worry about high fructose corn syrup in most store-bought brands. (Princeton University HFCS Findings)

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